Yacon Syrup was given to me free of charge on the proviso I complete a review. To be clear this is not a paid review and the opinions I am about to write are 100% my own.

What is Yacon Syrup?
In short Yacon Syrup is a sweet gorgeous syrup which has been proven to aid digestion and weight loss. It appears to be taking the US by storm and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to try it.
For the technical explanation with all the long words and to view the clinical trial results visit www.qualityyacon.com.
The benefits of Yacon Syrup...
1. Dramatically reduces waist size2. Ultra-low in calories
3. Functions as a prebiotic, increasing digestive tract health
4. prebiotic effect boosts immunity
5. Strong digestive tract health is associated with weight loss
6. Does not cause blood glucose levels to rise - useful for diabetics
7. Amazingly sweet and tasty
8. Can easily be used to replace sugar in cooking
9. Clinically proven to be very effective
10. Substantial weight loss
Although, I can not confirm I have found all ten benefits (thats not to say they are not there) I can support several of them, here is what I found...

I instantly noticed results. I found from day one I was feeling fuller for longer and I have no doubt that Yacon Syrup has helped me stop snacking between meals. I also found that whilst taking Yacon a simple salad at lunch - with no meat or carbs was sufficient.
Throughout both weeks I also noticed that my stomach felt better, I wasn't feeling bloated or sluggish anymore. Yacon is reported to help digestion and this coupled with my healthy eating regime of cutting out processed and high carb foods made me feel brilliant and full of energy all day long.
Overall Yacon has helped me kick start my diet in the most delicious way - I lost a total of 5.5lbs in the last two weeks. (YAY!)
I have an ultra sweet tooth and so have just ordered a second bottle. This time I am going to test out a few recipes for sweet treats without the guilt!

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